The direct foreign investment  FDI

  The tables related to the results of direct foreign investment ( FDI ) survey for 2008
  accomplishment 2009:

 v Distribution of establishments by governorates
 v Distribution of establishments by the main economic activity
 v Distribution of establishments by the governorates and main economic activity
 v Distribution of establishments by workers number
 v Distribution of establishments by the workers number, economic activity and the governorate
 v Distribution of establishments by the paid capital in thousand S.P.
 v Distribution of establishments by the paid capital, economic activity and the governorate
 v Distribution of contributors by nationalities
 v Distribution of the contributor numbers by the nationality and governorate
 v Distribution of the contributors by the nationality and economic activity sectors
 v Distribution of the paid capital by the nationality of contibutors
 v The balance of direct foreign investment
 v The balance of FDI as for gross domestic product
 v The balance of FDI as for gross forming fixed capital
 v The balance of FDI by country of origin
 v The balance of FDI by economic activity
 v The balance of FDI by industrial classification
 v The balance of FDI by economic activity and countries of origin
 v The workers number in foreign investment establishments
 v The number of senior management staff
 v Distribution of domestic and foreign workers
 v The size of exports by FDI establishments
 v The size of imports by FDI establishments
 v Value of spending in new technology
 v Employees in research and development
 v The size of FDI in ESCWA countries
 v The size of FDI in ESCWA countries by economic activity
 v The size of FDI by industrial classification
 v Cross tabulation by economic activity and country of origin